La Parapharmacie
Advanced B Complex Prevents age-related collagen degeneration. Supports the function of the brain and nervous system.
ALCAR Provides cognitive support in neurological dysfunction and provides energy in fatigue syndromes.
Bacopa Enlighten Protects the nervous system and boosts antioxidant defines. Helps with memory and other mental functions
Carnosine 500 Provides beta-alanine and L-histidine, prevents cellular damage, rejuvenates cells and supports muscle function.
Citicoline Provides citicoline from Cognizin and a small amount of choline. Enhances the body’s production of phospholipids.
G44 Alnus glutinosa - European Alder (buds) It has been demonstrated that gemmotherapy remedies provide compelling potential for personal empowerment
Ginkgo Biloba Antioxidant. that enhances cognition, supports blood flow in the brain and helps delay the onset of dementia.
Ginkgo biloba Helps to enhance cognitive function and memory in an aging population.Also supports peripheral circulation.
L-Tyrosine Required for the synthesis of essential hormones and neurotransmitters. Enhances cognitive function and improves alertness.
Ortho-Mind Supports focus and memory.
R12 R12
Theracurmin Antioxidant that can reduce inflammation and risk factors for degenerative diseases.