La Parapharmacie
HMF Travel Probiotics to support gastrointestinal health when travelling.
HMF UTI Probiotic formula with added cranberry extract for UTI support
Human Probiotics Helps support intestinal and gastrointestinal health.
Integris - 20 billion Clinically-studied probiotic that supports daily digestive health and helps with occasional gas and bloating.
Integris - 30 billion Focused, high-dosage, single-strain, clinically-studied probiotic that provides integrated bowel support.
Mega Probiotic powder Contributes to a healthy natural intestinal flora.
MetaKids Baby Probiotic Supports intestinal and gastrointestinal health.
MetaKids Probiotic Reduces common cold symptoms.
Perfect probiotic for kids Supports intestinal health, promotes favourable gut flora, and aids immune function
Petit pot 12 portions Natural Made from natural, whole food ingredients, Vega One is a convenient, all-in-one supplement.
Post-Biotik Immunobiotics Help support and maintain immune function.
Primal Defense Ultra A mixture of 12 species of beneficial probiotics.