La Parapharmacie
Integris - 20 billion
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Product Details

Today’s advances in probiotics focus on identified strains that deliver clinically-supported results, guaranteed potency even at expiration, and are robust enough to survive even harsh stomach acid. At birth, we come into the world bacteria-free. Life exposes us to bacteria ‰- some good, which we call ‰”probiotics”, and some bad. As newborns, our bodies are naturally populated with beneficial and original probiotic bacteria that are necessary for long-term digestive health and wellness. In fact, they form a symbiotic relationship with our body. Repopulating over time with these original probiotic strains, Sisu Integris nurtures and perpetuates the ecological integrity that nature gave us.

Studied, substantiated and documented, Integris is formulated with live, active, naturally-occurring probiotic cultures, to remain potent and effective. On a daily basis, the active probiotic in Integris not only naturally supports digestive health, but can also help with occasional gas and bloating, while supporting abdominal comfort. All this in one little capsule, once a day – Sisu Integris 20 billion live bacteria every day‰… GUARANTEED.

Suggested Use


Take 1 capsule one time per day or as directed by a health care practitioner. Take at least 2-3 hours before or after antibiotics.


  • If you have an immune-compromised condition (e.g. AIDS, lymphoma, patients undergoing long-term corticosteroid treatment), do not use this product. This product has come into contact with soy. If you have a soy allergy, do not use this product.
  • If you have nausea, fever, vomiting, bloody diarrhea or severe abdominal pain, consult a health care practitioner prior to use. If symptoms of digestive upset (e.g. diarrhea) occur, worsen or persist beyond 3 days, discontinue use & consult a health care practitioner.


    Medical ingredients