La Parapharmacie
DHA Flax Oil For a healthy heart and emotional balance
DMG 125 mg DMG is an intermediate in the metabolism of choline & the amino acid, glycine.
Enerex Bio C 1000 Enerex Bio C 1000 is a 1:1 ratio of Vitamin C and bioflavanoids, two nutrients that are most effective when working together.
Enerex Cholesta Check Cholesta Check's active ingredients work with your body's natural processes to help promote healthy cholesterol levels.
Enerex Pure Barley Barley Grass juice maintains the body's acid-alkaline balance and is found to be cholesterol-lowering, anti-inflammatory, and anti-ulcer.
Enerex Wild Omega 3 Enerex Wild Omega 3 is a natural source of refined and concentrated fish body oils which protect the body from deleterious effects.
Fenugreek 500 mg Traditionally used in Herbal Medicine as a lactagogue to help promote milk production/secretion.
Fenugreek Seed 500 mg <h2>Digestive tonic to support digestion and as an expectorant to help relieve catarrh of the upper respiratory passages.</h2>
Flaxseed Oil A source of essential fatty acids for the maintenance of good health.
Floralax II A Gentle and Effective Laxative ! Used as a bulk forming laxative Helps lower bad (LDL) cholesterol
Fo-Ti (Ho Shou Wu) 560 mg Used in Traditional Chinese Medicine as a blood tonifier.
Foresterol Helps lower blood total and LDL cholesterol.