La Parapharmacie
Enerex Pure Barley
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Product Details

Pure Barley, like Kamut & Alfalfa, is planted on 2,800 acres of organic farmland on an ancient volcanic lakebed over 5 000 feet high in the mountains of south-eastern Utah. The high altitude of the cropland contributes to a significantly higher protein content.  Annual crop rotations and the fact that the crops are re-mineralized by the season run-off from the surrounding hills assure maximum nutrition in each harvest. 

Scientific research has shown that the juice from young barley leaves is rich in vitamins (especially beta carotene, B complex vitamins and vitamin C), minerals (including potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorous and magnesium), chlorophyll and mucopolysaccharides, which play a major role in the structural integrity of body tissue.

Regular consumption of Barley Juice may stimulate weight loss, probably due to Barley's enhancement of the cytochrome oxidase enzyme system. Barley is also an important source of the superoxide dismutase enzyme (SOD), a potent antioxidant. Normal metabolic activity produces dangerous superoxide free radicals, which can damage cell walls and are linked to premature aging and many diseases, including cancer and heart disease. In mice inoculated with cancer, barley juice had a surprising curative effect, probably due to the juice's high level of SOD.

Barley juice is very alkaline and can contribute to maintaining the body's acid-alkaline balance. Isolated compounds from barley juice are found to have hypercholesteromic, anti-inflammatory and anti-ulcer properties. Finally, studies have shown that when barley juice is added to injured cells, the cell's DNA repairs itself rapidly. This may contribute to preventing abnormal changes in the cell structure, which could lead to cancer and rapid ageing.


Blend or shake 1 rounded teaspoon (3 g) of Enerex Pure Barley with 250 ml of liquid. Best if taken twice daily on an empty stomach. Also add to smoothies or any food preparations (avoid high heat).


1 rounded teaspoon (3 g) contains :

100% Certified Organic Raw Barley Grass Juice Powder*..............3000 mg

There are no other ingredients added to this formula.

*Certified Organic by QAI (Quality Assurance International).

Enerex PURE BARLEY is 3rd party tested to verify less than 20 parts per million gluten.