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Product Details
Composition: - Echinacea 10x, - Gelsemium sempervirens 10x, - Ledum palustre 10x, - Silicea 10x, - Thuya occidentalis 10x, 14x, 18x, - 20% vol Alcohol, - Water USP.
Dosage: - Children (0 to 2 yrs):
1 spray under the tongue 3 times daily starting if possible 3 days before the vaccination and for 21 days after.
- Adults and children (2 yrs and older):
2 sprays under the tongue 3 times daily starting if possible 3 days before the vaccination and for 21 days after.
Homeopathic remedy. Shake well before using.
- Consulter un praticien de la santé pour un usage allant au-delà de 21 jours après la vaccination, si les symptômes persistent ou s'aggravent et avant usage si vous êtes enceinte ou allaitez.