La Parapharmacie
Gut Restore
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Product Details


L-glutamine: Promotes the regeneration of intestinal cells : 3g N-Acetyl Glucosamine: Supports intestinal mucosal health : 500 mg Quercetin: Powerful natural anti-inflammatory : 100 mg Licorice Root: Soothes irritations and promotes digestion 380 mg Marshmallow Root: Protects the intestinal lining and relieves inflammation : 167 mg Boswellia: Reduces inflammation and promotes digestive comfort : 300 mg Cranberry Powder: Strengthens the immune system and protects against infections : 400 mg

Non-medicinal ingredients: Natural flavor, citric acid, stevia leaf.

Suggested Use

1 serving (6.3 g powder), 3 times a day

Use for at least 2 months to see the beneficial effects.


Contraindications: If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, do not use this product.


    Medical ingredients