La Parapharmacie
Lavender Traditionally used to treat restlessness, insomnia, nervous digestive ailments and bloating.
Laxative Tea Traditionally used in Herbal Medicine as a stimulate laxative to help relieve constipation.
Lemon Ginger Echinacea Tea This contemporary formula is as soothing as it is delicious, combines ginger and lemon to support the body.
Lime blossom and organic bract Flower based lime tea
Malva-T Herbal Tea Traditional digestive herbal tea and especially laxative.
Marshmallow - Root cut (tube) Marshmallow is a plant which is rich in mucilages, has softening, emollient, béchique, laxative and appetizing properties.
Matcha Green Tea Helps relax the mind, improve cognition and mood while reducing physical and mental stress.
Matcha Japanese Green Tea A potent antioxidant, boosts energy, burns fat, and enhances mood.
Meadowsweet organic leaves Queen of the meadow tea
Metaflo - Organic herbal tea The Metaflo blend is traditionally used in Western herbalism to help eliminate through the kidneys, skin, and mucous membranes.
Milk thistle - whole seeds (tube) Milk Thistle is used to help relieve digestive and liver problems.
Mullein This infusion is used in cases of respiratory ailments such as colds, flu, bronchitis and sore throat.