La Parapharmacie
Exhilarin Traditionally used to address mental fatigue associated with stress.
F02 Stress, Anxiety Homeopathic preparation used for the temporary relief of stress and anxiety.
Ficus Carica Psychosomatic difficulties, colitis.
Ficus carica - Fig (buds) - G45 Individual mother-macerates - each extract contains all the attributes of a single bud.
Fine Lavender Lavandula augustifolia (L. officinalis)
For Women Tea Traditionally used in Herbal Medicine:to help relieve pain associated with menstruation and help relieve stress.
GABA Promotes relaxation during times of stress, reduces anxiety, increases growth hormone levels and helps prevent insomnia.
Gaba Help with symptoms of hypertension and irritability.
GABA (chewable or non-chewable capsules) Provides fast relief of nervousness and acute stress. Promotes relaxation and helps to calm nervous tension.
GABA 500 Helps to temporarily promote relaxation
Gandha 600 Supports the function of the immune system and liver. Helps with chronic stress, low energy and enhances physical endurance.