La Parapharmacie
Black Currant Bud Indications, Allergies, Gastritis, Ankylosing, Hayfever, Migraines, Bronchitis, Quinckes, Oedema, Chronic Head Colds, Urticaria
Calorastop Flushing, headache, hypertension, congestive fever. Slow digestion and heat intolerance.
Cimicifuga Plex Premenstrual syndrome.
Citrus Limonum Gemmotherapy Remedy to be used on the advice of your health care practitioner.
Corylus Avellana Chronic bronchitis, sclerosis.
Extrait de pétasite 75 mg La grande camomille est utilisée traditionnellement en herboristerie pour aider à soulager les maux de tête.
Feverfew Used in Western herbalism to help prevent migraine headaches.
Feverfew Helps relieve headache, fever, cold, joint pain associated with arthritis and as deworming
FibroSense Relief from the pain of Fibromyalgia.
Gammadyn Mn Eczema, hayfever.
Gammadyn S Bronchitis, gout.
HappySense 5HTP 100 mg HappySense naturally enhances serotonin, which in turn improves mood, reduces cravings and increases energy.