La Parapharmacie
AdrenaSense Natural Stress Relief
Adrenasmart Action on a local endocrine system to reduce the stress during the menopause period.
AdrenaTea Helps relieve stress, promotes adrenal health, provides healthful calming effect and rejuvenates.
Antia-gen Restorative tonic to stimulate steroid synthesis, to eliminate excess cholesterol and revitalize cellular tissues
Biotone EFA (phytosterols) Indicated for hormonal imbalances, maintaining skin elasticity, energy levels and a strong immune system during periods of stress
Black Cohosh Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause and premenstrual symptoms.
Black Cohosh Help relieve menopausal and premenstrual symptoms.
Black Cohosh - Standardized Extract 40 mg Reduces hot flashes, night sweats and mood swings.
Black Cohosh Extract Relieves Symptoms of Menopause
Black Cohosh extract 40 mg Our Black Cohosh extract provides a quality assured means to what is often thought of as a natural alternative to Hormone Therapy.
Black Cohosh Plus Relief for Menopausal Mood Changes
Bone Basics Increases calcium absorption, slows the rate of bone turnover, stimulates bone building cells, enhances joint and cartilage repair.