La Parapharmacie
HPNP For bacterial, parasitic and viral infections; for diabetes, pancreatitis and digestive disturbances; and for poor lymphatic circulation
HPTP For childhood and pubescent growth abnormalities, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism and other thyroid related problems
Hydrastis nasal Spray Fights viral, bacterial and fungal infections
Hypercoran Homeopathic remedy.
Hypericum Auro Cultum 2X - 50 ml Indicate for Depression and Agitation.
Immunexx Homeopathic remedy - Immune support
Immunho (Moduforce) Immune system support .
Impatiens Impatience, irritated, nervy, frustration, fidgety, accident-prone, hasty
Infecstop Helps prevent infections
Infla Homeopathic remedy - Helps encourage a reduction of Inflammation
Infla-med Anti-inflammatory
Infludo - 50 ml Indicate for flu and fever.