La Parapharmacie
Myco Feron Supreme Blend Calms the nervous system, reduces insomnia. Lowers blood pressure and blood cholesterol.
Oil of Oregano 180 mg Potent herbal antimicrobial that effectively tackles bacterial, yeast, fungal, and parasitic infections.
Olive Leaf 500 mg The extract of olive leaves has a strong antiviral effect, antibacterial, antifungal and antiparasitic.
ParaGone (15 days program) Most people have parasites of some form living inside their body. ParaGONE is a powerful parasite cleansing formula designed to destroy parasites and eliminate them from the body. ParaGONE will also help to eliminate harmful yeast overgrowth in the body.
Reishi Cordyceps Calms the nervous system, reduces insomnia. Lowers blood pressure and blood cholesterol. Antimicrobial and anti-allergenic properties.
Skin Healing Salve (Red Clover Plus) Red Clover is used in Herbal Medicine to treat skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, and rashes.
Super concentrated liquid Chlorophyll Internal deodorant that can help reduce body odours.
Super Mushroom - non GMO Supports a healthy immune system.
Tea Tree Oil Helps to improve symptoms of fungal nail bed infections.
Usnea tincture Organic Used traditionally in Western herbalism as an antivirus, also antibacterial and antifungal in the treatment of respiratory infections and yeast infections.