La Parapharmacie
Acta-Resveratrol Acta-Resveratrol provides antioxidants and other factors for the maintenance of good health.
Active Green Tea Antioxidant that supports normal cell development and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
AHCC Improves defenses against abnormal cellular growth and enhances immune cell production. Helps control infections and protect the liver.
BenaGene Thermally stabilized oxaloacetate and provides powerful antioxidants
Beta Carotene 25,000 I.U. Highest quality blend of natural carotenoids derived from the sea algae Dunaliella salina.
Celery Organic Juice Pressed from fresh celery bulbs and leaves. Anti-oxidant and anti-iflammatoire action
Coriolus Mushroom Extract Antitumoral, antiviral, antibactérien, antioxydant.Prévient le rhume et la grippe.
Curcumin Plus Piperine 500mg Our premium extract of curcumin is standardized to 95% curcuminoids.
D-Mulsion 1000 (spearmint) Vitamin D helps in the development and maintenance of bones and teeth
D-Mulsion 1000 IU Lemon Flavor Vitamin D helps in the development and maintenance of bones and teeth
Five Mushroom Blend Strengthens the immune system. Lowers blood pressure. Contributes to liver recovery.
Folic Acid - 1 mg Prevents neural tube defects, helps the production of red blood cells and promotes the maintenance of good health .