La Parapharmacie
Mastica Chios Heal and Protect Your GI Tract From Ulcers. Helps alleviate stomach pain and heartburn associated with functional dyspepsia.
Natrium Phosphoricum 6X For the temporary relief of symptoms associated with stomach acidity, heartburn and indigestion from fatty foods.
Original Sweden Elixir (alcoholized) Traditionally used in Herbal Medicines as a digestive tonic and a mild laxative
Papaya Enzymes Chewable Promotes good digestion.
pH-Pro - Naturel Antacid **Recommended Use:**  pH-Pro™ is a factor in the maintenance of good health and an antacid to help neutralize stomach acid.
R5 R5
SpectraZyme Metagest Provides digestive support.
Swedenbitters Dry Formula Traditionally used to stimulate digestive function, Swedish Bitters can help to improve mental and physical energy, circulation and more.
Sweet fennel Help for proper digestion, anti acid reflux and bloating. For breastfeeding periods.
Wild Salmon & Fish Oils OmegaFactors Excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids.