Create a professional account

Already have an account at La Parapharmacie?
If you have already purchased from La Parapharmacie, you have a La Parapharmacie account. Please log in before creating your referring professional account.

Log in
Enter applicable titles, separated by a comma and a space. For example, B.Sc., M.Sc., PhD. This data will appear next to your name on your store.
If the box is checked, your name will never be shown to consumers visiting La Parapharmacie via your reference. Displaying the name allows your clients to know that the store they are visiting is indeed associated with your account and that their orders will appear in their visible file to you. We strongly recommend keeping this box unchecked.

You are about to register for La Parapharmacie's health professionals program. If you are a member of the general public wanting to register with La Parapharmacie to purchase products for your own consumption, please go to the public registration page by clicking here.

Create a consumer account
La Parapharmacie

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