La Parapharmacie
Vaccinium Vitis-Idaea
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Product Details

Vaccinium Vitis Idaea reticulo-endothelial activity will reduce uric acid, urea and cholesterol. The polyvalency of the remedy allows it to be widely used even without any biological indications. Rheumatoid Arthritis and certain types of arteriosclerosis react well to this remedy which has a protein activity, no lipid activity, and a slight glucose activity.


Medicinal ingredients : - Vaccinium vitis idaea (Alpine Cranberry Young Shoot) 1 X

Gemmotherapies are prepared in a glycerine, and alcohol solution then filtered and potentized @ a 1/10th dilution in pure water.

Recommended Dosage

Adults: 50 drops (1/2 teaspoon) one to three times daily.

Children under 12: 15 to 25 drops one to three times daily.


If symptoms persist or worsen, consult your health care practitioner. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding do not use, unless directed by your health care practitioner.


    Medical ingredients