La Parapharmacie
RxOméga-3 Mini-gélules 500 mg AEP/ADH
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Product Details

Feature summary

Contrary to popular belief – and fad diets – fats are integral factors in the maintenance of health. Many diets lack essential fatty acids (EFAs), polyunsaturated fats with countless benefits for the cardiovascular, nervous, and musculoskeletal systems, as well as hormone production and cellular repair. They are “essential” because, although the body cannot make them, they are vital to health.

The most important EFAs are omega-3 and omega-6. The ideal omega-3 to omega-6 ratio is 1:4, but typical North American diets provide a 1:20 ratio, or even 1:30. Omega-6s generate inflammation, while omega-3s reduce it. Natural Factors RxOmega-3 Mini-Gels provide high levels of the omega-3s EPA and DHA to balance dietary intake.

The fish oils are pharmaceutical grade and non-GMO. Only the highest quality cold-water sources are used, and are guaranteed to be free from environmental pollutants, heavy metals, pesticides, and other harmful compounds. The easy-to-swallow mini-gels are 45% smaller than standard softgels, while still providing 500 mg of combined EPA/DHA, one of the highest potencies available in a mini-gel. The Enteripure enteric softgels dissolve in the intestines, ensuring optimal absorption and no fishy aftertaste. Rather than a traditional chemical enteric coating, Enteripure employs the latest technology to incorporate the plant-sourced enteric ingredients into the softgel casing itself.

Main selling features

  • Contains pharmaceutical grade fish oil guaranteed to be free of environmental pollutants
  • Provides 500 mg EPA/DHA per softgel, one of the highest potencies available in a mini-gel
  • Mini-gels are easy to swallow
  • Enteripure clear enteric softgel technology ensures targeted release of the fish oil in the intestines, for optimum absorption and minimum discomfort
  • No fishy aftertaste

How it works

EFAs play many important roles in the body. As unsaturated fats, they help cell walls stay flexible to ensure that proteins and other chemical messengers function normally, and to prevent hardening of arterial walls (atherosclerosis). Aside from exercise, fish oils are one of the few tools that increase HDL (“good”) cholesterol, lowering total cholesterol levels and promoting heart health. They also lower blood pressure, blood triglycerides, and vascular inflammation. 

The body produces two types of chemicals called prostaglandins to regulate inflammation. Omega-3 EFAs boost anti-inflammatory prostaglandins while reducing the inflammatory variety. While at times inflammation plays an important role in healing, chronic low-grade inflammation generated by overconsumption of omega-6 EFAs is linked to conditions such as stroke and heart disease. Fish oils have long-term implications in preventing and controlling inflammatory conditions. 

Omega-3s are highly concentrated in the brain, and are essential for cognitive function and mood. Inflammation in the brain contributes to cognitive decline and depression. Because of their association with anti-inflammatory pathways, omega-3s, especially EPA, are associated with increased mental capacity, focus, concentration, and stress management, as well as an improved emotional state.

Medicinal ingredients

Each Enteripure softgel contains:
Fish oil concentrate (molecularly distilled, ultra purified) (anchovy, sardine and/or mackerel)..........625 mg
Omega-3 fatty acids..........530 mg
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)..........356 mg
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)..........144 mg

Non-medicinal ingredients

Enteripure softgel (gelatin, glycerin, purified water, pectin), natural vitamin E.


    Other ingredients
  • Gelatin
  • Glycerin
  • Pectin
  • Purified water
  • Sorbitol
  • Tocopherols

  • Medical ingredients
  • Fish oil (Fish oil)
  • Fish oil (Fish oil)
  • Fish oil (Fish oil)
  • Fish oil (Fish oil) : 625 mg
  • Fish oil (Fish oil) : 625 mg
  • Fish oil (Fish oil) : 625 mg