La Parapharmacie
Rescue Remedy Night Spray
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Product Details


  • White Chestnut: To help ease restless mind.
  • Star of Bethlehem: For trauma and shock.
  • Clematis: For the tendency to “pass out”, and unconsciousness, being ‘far away’ and not present mentally.
  • Cherry Plum: Fear of mind giving way, verge of breakdown, anger.
  • Impatiens: For irritability, tension and fidgety.
  • Rock Rose: For frozen terror and panic.

Inactive Ingredients:27% Grape Based Brandy as a preservative

Suggested Use

The 5 Bach Flower Remedies in Rescue Remedy and White Chestnut helps removing stress and repeated unwanted thoughts so that sleep comes natural.


If symptoms persist or worsen, consult a health care practitioner. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding consult a health care practitioner prior to use.


    Medical ingredients