La Parapharmacie
PGX Satisfast 90% Vegan Protein (black chocolate)
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Product Details

How it works

The soluble dietary fibre in PGX absorbs water and expands, substantially increasing the volume of meals without significantly increasing the calories. You feel full sooner, which helps you eat less. PGX also slows the absorption of carbohydrates by increasing the viscosity (thickness) of food in your digestive tract. This makes you feel full longer and slows the release of glucose into the bloodstream, reducing the unhealthy blood sugar roller coaster that can trigger food cravings and between-meal snacking.

Protein promotes weight loss in various ways. Some amino acids influence the production of gastrointestinal hormones that are responsible for controlling nutrient absorption and signalling appetite control centres in the brain. This increases the feeling of satiety (fullness) so you consume fewer calories. The body also requires more energy to digest protein. A high-protein meal boosts the metabolism, burning more calories.

Protein improves blood sugar control when it contains leucine, an essential amino acid that modulates insulin signalling and regulates glucose use by skeletal muscle. It helps build muscle protein and reduces the breakdown of muscle fibres, helping preserve lean muscle mass. Leucine is important for improving post-workout muscle recovery.

PGX Satisfast Vegan Protein provides a healthy foundation for controlling appetite and balancing blood sugar.

Medicinal ingredients

Organic pea protein, organic brown rice protein, organic chocolate flavour, PGX® polysaccharides complex (glucomannan, xanthan gum, sodium alginate), organic cocoa powder, organic creamy vanilla flavour, organic inulin, organic stevia extract, organic lycii berry extract, organic orange flavour, organic chia seed, organic quinoa sprout, organic spirulina, organic chlorella, organic pumpkin protein.

Suggested Use

Two important advances in controlling appetite and blood sugar are combined in the PGX Satisfast Vegan Protein drink mixes.

PGX (PolyGlycopleX®) is a highly viscous novel polysaccharide complex made using advanced EnviroSimplex® technology. PGX helps balance blood sugar, reduces between-meal food cravings, promotes healthy weight loss, and reduces cholesterol levels. The soluble dietary fibre in PGX is 3–5 times more effective than any other fibre. It reduces appetite by promoting a feeling of fullness. PGX is completely safe and stimulant-free.

Consuming protein throughout the day reduces appetite, balances blood sugar, and promotes healthy weight loss. PGX Satisfast Vegan Protein is non-GMO, gluten-free, 90% organic, and sweetened with stevia. Each serving provides 20 g of protein from easy-to-digest vegan sources including pea, brown rice, chia, quinoa, and pumpkin, and provides a balance of 18 amino acids and no saturated or trans fats. This 100% vegan formula is suitable for those with special dietary requirements who may find it challenging to meet their nutritional needs.

A convenient glass of PGX Satisfast Vegan Protein before each meal provides a feeling of fullness with only 120 calories per serving. It helps reduce portion size, and minimizes the urge to snack between meals.