La Parapharmacie
Clef des champs - Organic Liquorice Pieces
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Product Details

Digestive disorders, heartburn and abdominal pain, inflammation of the respiratory system (bronchitis, laryngitis, etc.)

Suggested Use

Infusion or decoction: 2 to 5 g of licorice in 150 ml of water for about 30 minutes (until the root is soft). Consume after meals.


Store in a closed container, protected from light and dry.

Consumed in too large amounts over long periods of time, it has side effects, such as retention of fluids in the tissues, increased blood pressure and loss of potassium in the body. It is also suggested not to prolong a licorice treatment beyond 4 to 6 consecutive weeks. It is also always preferable to consult your doctor or naturopath for such treatments. If you are accustomed to consuming herbal tea, caution is advised since little is known about the effect of several herbs during pregnancy. Although some can be beneficial, others can interfere with the success of pregnancy. It is also recommended to avoid licorice during pregnancy since it could have a hormonal effect.


    Medical ingredients