La Parapharmacie
Mamaboost Tincture Organic
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Product Details

Traditionally used as a nerve tonic and antispasmodic to help relieve nervous tension and premenstrual symptoms.


Each ml of Mamaboost contains:
- Scullcap fresh org. herb Scutellaria lateriflora - Nettle fresh org. leaves Urtica dioica - Raspberry fresh org. leaves Rubus idaeus - Cramb bark dried org. bark Viburnum opulus - Black cohosh fresh org. roots Actea racemosa - Licorice dried org. roots Glyccyrrhiza glabra

Non-medicinal ingredient: 50% organic alcohol.

Suggested Use

2 ml (40 drops), twice daily for 2 weeks


  • Consult a health care specialist if symptoms worsen or persist.
  • Avoid using with all prescription drugs.
  • If pregnant or breastfeeding: do not use.


    Medical ingredients