La Parapharmacie
Clear day
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Product Details

This is a crafted combination of four nerve-restoring herbs. Clear Day® throws a particular spotlight on St. John’s wort, the main ingredient, which has been used as a sedative from Greek and Roman times and which modern science is recognizing as facilitating emotional health.

A further wonderful feature of Clear Day® is that it also helps relieve the sleep disturbances associated with mood imbalance.

Our herbs are Certified Organic/Organic/Wildcrafted.

Suggested Use

Adult: 1-2 ml (30-60 drops) 3x daily in a little water on a empty stomach.


Consult a health care pracitioner before use if you have been diagnosed with a medical condition or are taking prescription medication. Discontinue this product at least 2 weeks prior to surgery. Do not take when pregnant or breastfeeding.


    Medical ingredients