La Parapharmacie
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Product Details


Hot flashes, Headaches (such as hammer), hypertension, congestive fever. Slow digestion and heat intolerance.

Composition :

  • Belladonna 9CH:

Congestion sudden and paroxysmal , face red and hot. Headache with sensation of throbbing . Sudden appearance and disappearance of symptoms. Sweats.

  • Glonoium 30K:

Puffs of blood to the head mount pretend chest. Redness in the face. Palpitations. pounding sensation in the ears.

  • Graphites 9CH:

Ovarian slowdown. Venous and lymphatic stasis. Sexual asthenia.

  • Pulsatilla 9CH:

Ovarian slowdown. Venous stasis aggravated by heat and lack of air. Hypo- ménorrhées. Redness appearing emotions.

  • Sanguinaria 9CH:

Hot flashes. Congestive headache. Irritability and nervousness. Hypersensitivity to noise, light and odor. Late and light sleep.

  • Sepia officinalis 9CH:

Slow menstrual cycles. Hot flashes no apparent redness. Tolerates no clothing around the neck. Alternating heat and cold. Palpitations. Contrarian and ronchonneuse mood.

  • Sulfur 7CH:

Local sensations of burning heat, especially to the head, chest and feet. Light sleep and not relaxing. Sweating aggravated by warmth of bed.

  • Valeriana officinalis 30K:

Sudden flashes of heat with sweating especially in the afternoon and evening.

  • Alcool 30%




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