La Parapharmacie
Arthral (Calcistop)
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Product Details


Acute and chronic arthritis,

Calcific periarthritis of the shoulder,

Tendinitis of the rotator cuff, microcrystalline acute bursitis,

Calcific tendonitis,

Rotator cuff tear with pseudo- paralytic shoulder,

Capsulitis with frozen shoulder,

Inflammatory arthritis. Acute and chronic osteoarthritis.

General fatigue, severe pain, deformity of the joints, difficulty in practicing sports, calcium metabolism disorder.

Pain aggravated in the first movement, evening and fatigue. As recommended in the exostosis. Aggravation in wet weather.


  • Solanum malacoxilon : Seek phosphate metabolism , reduces pain
  • 5CH 7CH inflammatory 9CH 12CH : Dissolves calcium deposits and inflamed bone exostosis . Fight against anergy (lack of energy ).
  • Alcohol 30%


Chronicle: Take 4 sprays 3 times daily for three weeks and then decrease 4 sprays 4 sprays 2 times daily for 3 weeks. Then spray 1 4 times a day for 3 more weeks and last 4 1 spray twice daily for 5 days per week until a satisfactory result.

Acute: Take 4 sprays every hour then to space out two hours early improvement. Then space every 4 hours for 2 days, then follow the chronic dosage.

Complementary Treatments

FLAMALTIN ​​: Very effective when associated in chronic or acute joint inflammation

OSTEOROSE : In disorders of bone calcification (Osteoporosis)

CURE OSTEO ARTHRO : Simple Cure for chronic disorders of musculoskeletal system




    Medical ingredients